Does it seem like a radical idea to accept yourself as you are today? I know it’s not that easy. I understand how hard it is to struggle with that negative voice inside your head. The one that tells you you’ll never be good enough, strong enough, confident enough. That you can’t do it. That […]

Body Image

May 17, 2023

If hating yourself into change worked, it would have worked by now.

In 2019 I won a photoshoot with a local photographer I admired. At first I was SO excited. I never won things & as a dancer I was bursting with photoshoot possibilities. Then when time came to actually book the shoot I froze. My body image & self worth were in such a low place […]

Body Image

January 12, 2023

Take the photos

I remember being 4 years old, watching my mom on flexing on stage as a bodybuilding competitor. As I grew up I was always in awe of how strong she was and it was my dream to be as strong as her – to compete in bodybuilding just like her. I did try in 2014-2015, […]

Body Image

October 31, 2021

Powerlifting changed me. For the better.

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