Having grown up through 2000's diet culture and living with multiple chronic illnesses and chronic pain, I know first hand what it's like to have a complicated relationship with your body. However, I truly believe everyone deserves to feel good in their own skin. I aim to help you feel at home in your body by building strength, mobility & confidence. I love helping my clients do things they never thought they’d be capable of.  

rewrite the rules of movement

Hey! I'm Rebecca.

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As seen in...

fitness expert, book lover,
& Your biggest cheerleader

Based in Twin Cities, MN. Individualized attention to become stronger and more confident in a way that actually feels good.

1:1 Training


Know your way around the weights but want a little extra support? Not sure what exercises to use to get the results you want? Let me do the program design for you!

custom programs


Your guide to moving better, feeling stronger, and experiencing more ease in your body.

Mobility Courses



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